Taken from the information board in the visitor centre


Temple Na Griffin

To the northwest of Ardfert Cathedral and Temple Na Hoe is this simple yet beautiful 15th Century church named Temple Na Griffin. It has a high-pitched roof, with a bellcote on the western gable, and a two-light window in the eastern gable. As you can see from the photo, the church is being restored. We were disappointed that we were unable to see the carving of a wyvern (griffin) located in the right hand internal jamb of the window in the north wall. The panel depicts two intertwined beasts with lion heads and bird bodies. We also missed an opportunity to see a grotesque head with lips pulled back to reveal large teeth in the north-east corner of a double rectangular niche. This may be a variant of the 'mouth-puller' motif.

We hope to view these features when the restoration is completed.

Situated: Very Easy. Situated in the centre of Adfert to the west of Ardfert Cathedral.

Discovery Map 71: Q 7848 2115. Last visit July 2011.

Longitude: 9° 46' 58" W

Latitude: 52° 19' 43" N

Google Map

Photos: Jim Dempsey and Deb Snelson.

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